- Data preparation for the JE and EJ scientific paper subtasks
- Data preparation for the JE and EJ patent subtasks
- Data preparation for the JE and EJ JIJI subtasks
- Data preparation for the JC and CJ subtasks
- Data preparation for the JK and KJ subtasks
- Data preparation for the EH and HE subtask
- Data preparation for the JE and EJ recipe subtasks
- Phrase-Based SMT for the JE, EJ, JC, and CJ subtasks
- Phrase-Based SMT for the KJ subtask
- Phrase-Based SMT for the JK subtask
- Phrase-Based SMT for the EH and HE subtasks
- Hierarchical Phrase-Based SMT for all subtasks
- String-to-Tree SMT for the JE and JC subtasks
- Tree-to-String SMT for the EJ and CJ subtasks
JST (Japan Science and Technology Agency)
NICT (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology)
Kyoto University
Last Modified: 2017-08-21