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Adequacy-Fluency Metrics (AMFM) is a two-dimensional automatic evaluation metric for machine translation, designed to operate at the sentence level.
It is based on adequacy and fluency, to decouple semantic and syntactic components of the translation process to provide a balanced view on translation quality.
AMFM is calculated without tokenizers.
The detail of AMFM is shown on the following paper:
"Adequacy–Fluency Metrics: Evaluating MT in the Continuous Space Model Framework"
Invited Talk in WAT2015 also helps understanding [slide].
When you use the WAT evaluation results for any purpose such as:
- writing technical papers,
- making presentations about your system,
- advertising your MT system to the customers,
you can use the information about translation directions, scores
(including both automatic and human evaluations) and ranks of your
system among others. You can also use the scores of the other systems,
but you MUST anonymize the other system's names. In addition, you can
show the links (URLs) to the WAT evaluation result pages.
NICT (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology)
Kyoto University
Last Modified: 2018-08-02