Dr. Hammam Riza Extensive 30‐years experience in ICT, with emphasis in language technology, enterprise information system, broadband and mobile communication with in-depth experience in research, development, and operation of IT system and network.
Dr. Riza hold Doctor of Engineering degree in Electrical Engineering (cum laude) from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Master of Science in Computer Science from University of Kentucky, USA and Bachelor in Electrical Engineering, majoring Electronics and Control System.
He hold position as executive Chief Information Officer (CIO) and Director of Center for Information and Communication Technology at the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology – BPPT, Government of Indonesia, which serve various Ministries and Agencies of Indonesian government, including Ministry of Home Affairs (e‐KTP), National Election Committee (e‐Election, e‐Voting), the Ministry of Defense (Enterprise Architecture for Defense Information System), Ministry of ICT (Digital TV EWS feature) and many e‐Government projects in Local Government. His research in Machine Translation and NLP started with CICC Multilingual Machine Translation System (1989); Pangloss Mark‐III Machine Translation; Mikrokosmos Machine Translation Project (1993); Indonesia National Corpus INC-IX – BPP Teknologi (2000-‐2002), MMA Multimedia Annotation, Sigmatics, Japan (2000-‐2001), BPPT WebTranslator BPPT (1998-‐2000) and during the last 10 years has developed bidirectional Indonesian-English SMT and participate in international joint researches, including the A-STAR, PAN Localization, U-STAR and ASEAN-MT. He is a member of international advisory board of AFNLP, ISCA and O‐COCOSDA.
He was the Director of Science and Technology Information Network (IPTEKnet) BPPT, the first licensed internet service provider in Indonesia (1995), and have held various positions in major Internet start-up companies as professional executive IT consultant, such as Lippostar.com, Astaga.com, RADNET and Linknet. He was the Supervisory Committee for Indonesian Internet Association (APJII) and the Honorary member of Indonesian Telecommunication Society (MASTEL).
Dr. Riza has certification from Institute of Indonesian Engineers (BKE-PII) as Lead Professional Engineer, the highest certification for Indonesian engineers and had receive training in IT Infrastructure Library, IT Security, Content Management System: Vignette StoryServer and Broadvision Publishing Engine.
His current post is Deputy Chairman BPPT for Natural Resource Development Technology which over look Oceanography, Disaster Risk Reduction, Weather Modification, Environment Engineering and Remote Sensing.
He is also Vice President of ASEAN CIO Association (ACIOA), Honorary member of Indonesian Association of Computational Linguistics (INACL) and principal engineer of Indonesia Engineer Association (PII).