papers with supplementary materials has been uploaded (2017/01/30)
revision of the proceedings has been uploaded (2016/12/21)
Please answer the questionnaire after the workshop
proceedings has been uploaded (2016/12/11)
The Workshop on Asian Translation (WAT) is a new open evaluation campaign focusing on Asian languages. We would like to invite a broad range of participants and conduct various forms of machine translation experiments and evaluation. Collecting and sharing our knowledge will allow us to understand the essence of machine translation and the problems to be solved. We are working toward the practical use of machine translation among all Asian countries.
For the 3rd WAT, we chose scientific papers, patents, news, and TED talks as the targeted domain, and selected the languages Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Hindi, Indonesian, and English. In addtion to the shared tasks, the 3rd WAT calls for research papers on topics related to machine translation, especially for Asian languages.
What makes WAT unique:
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SunFlare Co., Ltd. |
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TOIN Corporation |
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Baobab, Inc. |
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Asia-Pacific Association for Machine Translation (AAMT) |
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PostEdit.Tokyo Co., Ltd. |
9:00 - 9:25 | Welcome & overviwe of WAT2016 |
Overview of the 3rd Workshop on Asian Translation | |
Toshiaki Nakazawa, Chenchen Ding, Hideya Mino, Isao Goto, Graham Neubig, and Sadao Kurohashi | |
9:25 - 10:05 | Research Paper I |
Translation of Patent Sentences with a Large Vocabulary of Technical Terms Using Neural Machine Translation | |
Zi Long, Takehito Utsuro, Tomoharu Mitsuhashi, and Mikio Yamamoto | |
Japanese-English Machine Translation of Recipe Texts | |
Takayuki Sato, Jun Harashima, and Mamoru Komachi | |
10:05 - 10:20 | Break |
10:20 - 10:50 | System description I |
IIT Bombay’s English-Indonesian submission at WAT: Integrating Neural Language Models with SMT | |
Sandhya Singh, Anoop Kunchukuttan, and Pushpak Bhattacharyya | |
Domain Adaptation and Attention-Based Unknown Word Replacement in Chinese-to-Japanese Neural Machine Translation | |
Kazuma Hashimoto, Akiko Eriguchi, and Yoshimasa Tsuruoka | |
10:50 - 12:00 | Poster presentation I (Research paper) |
Global Pre-ordering for Improving Sublanguage Translation | |
Masaru Fuji, Masao Utiyama, Eiichiro Sumita, and Yuji Matsumoto | |
Neural Reordering Model Considering Phrase Translation and Word Alignment for Phrase-based Translation | |
Shin Kanouchi, Katsuhito Sudoh, and Mamoru Komachi | |
10:50 - 12:00 | Poster presentation I (System description) |
IIT Bombay’s English-Indonesian submission at WAT: Integrating Neural Language Models with SMT | |
Sandhya Singh, Anoop Kunchukuttan and, Pushpak Bhattacharyya | |
Domain Adaptation and Attention-Based Unknown Word Replacement in Chinese-to-Japanese Neural Machine Translation | |
Kazuma Hashimoto, Akiko Eriguchi and, Yoshimasa Tsuruoka | |
System Description of BJTU NLP Neural Machine Translation System | |
Shaotong Li, JinAn Xu, Yufeng Chen and, Yujie Zhang | |
Translation systems and experimental results of the EHR group for WAT2016 tasks | |
Terumasa Ehara | |
Lexicons and Minimum Risk Training for Neural Machine Translation: NAIST-CMU at WAT2016 | |
Graham Neubig | |
NICT-2 Translation System for WAT2016: Applying Domain Adaptation to Phrase-based Statistical Machine Translation | |
Kenji Imamura and Eiichiro Sumita | |
Translation Using JAPIO Patent Corpora: JAPIO at WAT2016 | |
Satoshi Kinoshita, Tadaaki Oshio, Tomoharu Mitsuhashi, and Terumasa Ehara | |
14:00 - 14:45 | Invited talk: |
Google's Neural Machine Translation System: Training and Serving Very Large Neural MT Models | |
Dr. Hideto Kazawa | |
14:45 - 15:45 | Research Paper II |
An Efficient and Effective Online Sentence Segmenter for Simultaneous Interpretation | |
Xiaolin Wang, Andrew Finch, Masao Utiyama, and Eiichiro Sumita | |
Similar Southeast Asian Languages: Corpus-Based Case Study on Thai-Laotian and Malay-Indonesian | |
Chenchen Ding, Masao Utiyama, and Eiichiro Sumita | |
Integrating empty category detection into preordering Machine Translation | |
Shunsuke Takeno, Masaaki Nagata, and Kazuhide Yamamoto | |
15:45 - 16:00 | System description II |
Kyoto University Participation to WAT 2016 | |
Fabien Cromieres, Chenhui Chu, Toshiaki Nakazawa, and Sadao Kurohashi | |
16:00 - 16:05 | Commemorative photo |
16:05 - 17:00 | Poster presentation II (System description) |
Kyoto University Participation to WAT 2016 | |
Fabien Cromieres, Chenhui Chu, Toshiaki Nakazawa, and Sadao Kurohashi | |
Character-based Decoding in Tree-to-Sequence Attention-based Neural Machine Translation | |
Akiko Eriguchi, Kazuma Hashimoto, and Yoshimasa Tsuruoka | |
Faster and Lighter Phrase-based Machine Translation Baseline | |
Liling Tan | |
Improving Patent Translation using Bilingual Term Extraction and Re-tokenization for Chinese–Japanese | |
Wei Yang and Yves Lepage | |
Controlling the Voice of a Sentence in Japanese-to-English Neural Machine Translation | |
Hayahide Yamagishi, Shin Kanouchi, Takayuki Sato, and Mamoru Komachi | |
Chinese-to-Japanese Patent Machine Translation based on Syntactic Pre-ordering for WAT 2016 | |
Katsuhito Sudoh and Masaaki Nagata | |
IITP English-Hindi Machine Translation System at WAT 2016 | |
Sukanta Sen, Debajyoty Banik, Asif Ekbal and, Pushpak Bhattacharyya | |
Residual Stacking of RNNs for Neural Machine Translation | |
Raphael Shu and Akiva Miura | |
17:00 - | Closing |
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Dr. Hideto Kazawa,
Senior Engineering Manager, Google
[Short bio.]
Title: Google's Neural Machine Translation System: Training and Serving Very Large Neural MT Models
(Click here to more information. ) Time: 14:00 - 14:45 |
Submission due for pairwise crowdsourcing evaluation | August 19, 2016 | |
System description draft paper and research paper (new!) due | September 25, 2016 | |
System description draft review feedback | October 16, 2016 | |
Research paper acceptance notification | October 16, 2016 | |
System description and resaerch paper camera-ready copy due | October 30, 2016 |
All deadlines are calculated at 11:59PM Pacific Time (UTC/GMT -8 hours)
notice: Task participants should submit the translation results for pairwise crowdsourcing evaluation.
Baseline system:
Baseline systems site is now open.
We will evaluate the translation performance of the results submitted through
automatic evaluation and human evaluation.
Automatic evaluation:
We will prepare an automatic evaluation server.
You will be able to evaluate the translation results at any time using this server.
Human evaluation:
Human evaluation will be carried out with two kinds of method,
which are Pairwise Crowdsourcing Evaluation and JPO Adequacy Evaluation.
Submission site is now open.
(User Name and Password is necessary to access.)
Evaluation results:
Evaluation results site is now open.
Participants who submit results for human evaluation should submit description papers of their translation systems and evaluation results. All submissions and feedback are handled electronically as below.
The applicating site
for task participants of WAT2016 is now open.
The registration will be handled by COLING 2016
For questions, comments, etc. please email to "wat -at- nlp -dot- ist -dot- i -dot- kyoto -hyphen- u -dot- ac -dot- jp".
Japan Patent Office
JPO Patent Corpus
The Association for Natural Language Processing (Japanese Page)
Asian Scientific Paper Excerpt Corpus (ASPEC)
Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
2016-07-14: data preparation for patent CJ updated, PB SMT baseline for JK updated
2016-07-12: paper submission site open
2016-06-29: links for baseline system and evaluation results are added
2016-06-28: tasks modified, data preparation / PB SMT baseline for IE / EI updated, data preparation for patent JE / EJ updated
2016-06-14: application site open
2016-06-11: schedule fixed
2016-05-25: site open
JST (Japan Science and Technology Agency)
NICT (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology)
Kyoto University
Last Modified: 2016-07-14